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The history of Medoc Surf Academy

When selecting a surf school, there is often uncertainty around who your instructor will be. At Medoc Surf Academy, you can rest assured about who will be leading your lesson. The story of our surf school is the story of a person whose dream has become a reality!

Moniteur surf en mousse


Je suis Arnaud Petit, né en 1993, et ma relation avec le surf a des racines profondes à Montalivet, où mon père fut l'un des pionniers de ce sport dans la région.

Bien que natif de Bordeaux, mon cœur a trouvé son ancrage au bord de l'océan, à Montalivet. Depuis ma naissance, ma vie est rythmée par les week-ends et les vacances en famille, imprégnés du goût salé de l'air marin et du doux parfum de la wax coco. Le surf est pour moi bien plus qu'un simple sport de plein air ; c'est un moyen de pratiquer une activité de loisir, loin de toute pression compétitive. Dès mon plus jeune âge, une passion profonde pour l'océan s'est éveillée en moi.

À ma majorité, la possibilité de conduire m'a offert l'autonomie nécessaire pour surfer toute l'année. Cette indépendance a accéléré ma progression, et l'idée de fusionner ma passion avec ma vie professionnelle a commencé à germer. Ainsi, mon histoire avec le surf à Montalivet n'est pas seulement un héritage familial, mais aussi le récit d'une passion qui a évolué au fil du temps pour devenir une part intégrante de ma vie.


I started working at the age of 16 at the Centre Hélio Marin in Montalivet during the summer seasons. By the time I turned 24, I became a Beach Lifeguard, dedicating the next five summers to ensuring your safety in the water. In the final three years, I took on the responsibility of deputy station chief. Lifesaving has remained one of my enduring passions!

My academic journey

Following my completion of a scientific Baccalaureate, my academic journey took a diverse route as I immersed myself in various fields. I obtained a University Technology Diploma (DUT) in Safety and Environment, and another in Business.

After gaining professional experience that involved working for the national education system in middle and high schools, I resumed my studies, eventually earning a Master's in the Science of Education and Training - such was my strong inclination for teaching!

Meanwhile,  my passion for surfing persisted, and I continued to surf, surf, and surf some more!

Job formation

The dream of combining my love for surfing with my passion for teaching led me to pursue the challenge of obtaining the State Diploma for Surf Instruction— a very challenging qualification to achieve.  At 29, I succeeded, having undergone top-quality training with UCPA. A season at the neighbouring beach of Pin Sec marked the realization of the dream.

After over two decades of surfing and a robust academic and professional background, I've chosen to serve you by imparting the joy and sensations this sport brings. My approach focuses on delivering quality teaching to everyone in a natural, secluded space away from the crowds.

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